Love Like Jesus Week 5
Sunday August 2, 2020
Re-read the passage from Sunday - Mark 2:1-12
In this story, there are a handful of key characters:
The paralyzed man
The 4 friends
The scribes
The crowd.
Why was each character (or group of characters) essential to the story?
Think about the 4 friends - do you have people in your life who have helped “carry your mat”? If so, how do they do that?
If you struggle to willingly engage with the hurting, what is keeping you from it? Which is hardest for you to surrender?
Time / Convenience
In the sermon, we were challenged to engage with the hurting by learning. What is a good way to go about learning how to help someone?
Think about Jesus preaching in this home. When the men cut a hole in the roof and interrupted His message, He responded with mercy. How do you respond when your plan for the day is interrupted? What would it look like for you to expect (or make allowance for) interruption? How would you approach your day differently?
Jesus also looked past the surface - He addressed the physical condition AND the spiritual condition. How would our actions/responses change if we were willing to look past the surface and ask what is beneath the hurt?
What does vs 9-11 tell us about why Jesus healed this man?
How did the faith of these men impact those around them? What implications does that have for us?
Is there someone in your life that you know is hurting? How can you engage them this week?