Jude Week 2

Sunday August 16, 2020

  1. To start the sermon, Jason shared a story about “sneaky creepers” who hid in his car and then scared him while he was driving. What is the best “sneaky creeper” experience you’ve had? 

  2. This part of the book of Jude was addressing those “sneaky creepers” who try to get into the church and cause issues. Re-read Jude 1:3-16 to refresh your memory. 

  3. Jason identified these “creepers” as “apostates.” How does Jude describe these creepers or apostates? 

  4. How does the twisting of grace into a permission slip to sin impact the individual? How does it impact the church? What impression does it give the unbelieving world?

  5. How do Christian liberty and Christian responsibility work together? Does having freedom in Christ mean that we are free to do anything we want? 

  6. Jason said that the apostate will be identified by his tendency to minimize God’s authority and elevate experiences like dreams, visions, or special words from the Lord. Obviously, the Lord does give dreams, visions, or special words to some but what are the dangers of elevating those things over scripture? 

  7. In vs 12-13, Jude gives a number of word pictures & descriptions of apostates to show how they always harm and never help the church. Do any of those word pictures or descriptions stick out to you?

  8. At the end of the sermon, Jason gave us 3 clear takeaways - the first was to surrender to Jesus as master and Lord. How can someone surrender in this way? What does it look like in daily life?  

  9. The 2nd takeaway was to stop and consider if we are on the road to apostasy. Based on the answers to questions 3-6, what are some warning signs we should be looking for as we consider our own vulnerability?

  10. The 3rd takeaway was to pray for God’s protection & preservation of UBC. As you finish, spend some time praying for UBC in a few specific ways:

    • Pray for our move to an elder-led governance. 

    • Pray for a deepened love of God’s Word and authority. 

    • Pray that the UBC family would be genuine in our love for the Lord and that apostasy would have no place here.

Phil Wing