Jude Week 3

Sunday August 23, 2020

  1. Read Jude 1:5-7, 14-15

  2. What really caught your attention from the sermon? 

  3. What is the difference between someone who is struggling in their faith vs someone who is an apostate? 

  4. In vs 5-7, Jude gives 3 examples of apostates. Who are they, what did they do, and how did God respond? 

  5. How could a lack of faith/belief impact UBC? 

  6. The sinful angels rebelled against the positions/roles that God had put them in and desired to do things their own way. What are some modern day examples of this exact same rebellion against God’s plans? 

  7. How should the people of God respond to immorality inside the church? What about immorality outside of the church? (Be specific.)

  8. Clinging to the Gospel is our greatest hope for avoiding apostasy. Spend some time “rehearsing the Gospel” - What is the good news? Why is it so good? What does it mean for you today?

Phil Wing