Jude Week 4

Sunday August 30, 2020

  1. Read Jude 1:17-23.

  2. Was there anything in particular that stood out to you from the sermon this past Sunday? 

  3. The book of Jude is all about contending for the faith. As a reminder from our previous weeks, WHO are the contenders (vs 1-3)? And WHY must we contend for the faith (vs 4-16)

  4. This week we talked about HOW to contend for the faith. In vs 17-19, what are we told to remember? Why does this remembrance matter? How would/should remembering these things impact our actions? 

  5. In vs 20-21, we are challenged to “keep yourselves in the love of God”. From the sermon, what does “keep” mean and what does it NOT mean?  

  6. There are 3 other specific actions in vs 20-21 that help us “keep ourselves in the love of God”. What are they and what do they look like in real, day to day life? 

  7. Vs 22 tells us to be merciful to those who doubt. 

    • Do you struggle with doubt? Are you scared to voice those doubts because of the potential backlash? 

    • Has there ever been a time when someone close to you expressed their doubts? How did you respond? What would you change if given another opportunity?

    • How can we show mercy to those with questions or doubts? 

  8. Is there a person in your life that you think of when you read “save others by snatching them out of the fire” in vs 23

    • What is one step you could take this week to reach out to them for the purpose of helping them walk away from their sin? 

  9. Part of contending for the faith is being built up in daily disciplines of growth.

    • How are you doing with the foundational habits of scripture reading and prayer?

    • What does your daily time commitment to those habits look like?

    • Do you need accountability to help you stick with them?

  10. As you end, take some time to pray for those you know that are doubting or wandering. Pray for them by name. Ask God to restore them in the truth and to give you opportunities to be used in their life.

Phil Wing