Jude Week 5

Sunday September 6, 2020

  1. If you could use 2 words to describe what you are usually most motivated by, which would you choose? 

    Accomplishment | Satisfaction | Guilt | Status

    Competition | Love | Duty | Familiarity | Challenge

    Convenience | Relationships | Wealth | Fear

  2. Take some time to re-read the passage from Sunday. Jude 1:24-25

  3. What do these verses tell us about the motivation for why we are to contend for the faith?

  4. As a reminder, what is “glory”? How did Shane define it? Can you put it into your own words?

  5. How does God “keeping us” (vs 24) motivate us to glorify Him? 

  6. Shane said that as God keeps us, he also cleanses us. How have you seen God’s cleansing power in your life? What is 1 significant thing that has changed from the sinful days of your past? 

  7. Do you ever struggle to believe that God enjoys AND wants to forgive you? How do these verses challenge those doubts? 

  8. How are you being challenged to see Jesus as Lord and King of your life right now? Are there any areas where you are struggling to acknowledge Him as “in charge”? (Remember, we don’t “make” Him King. He is already King whether we acknowledge it or not.) 

  9. Were there any other thoughts from the sermon that meant a lot to you?

Phil Wing