The Church - Week 2

Sunday September 20, 2020

  1. Before becoming a Christian, how do you think you would’ve defined the word “church”? How would you define it differently now? 

  2. In the sermon, Jason said that the church is the people of God. So, how can someone know if they are a part of the “people of God”? 

  3. Why is it important for us to remember that the church belongs to God? What are the downfalls of thinking it belongs to anyone else? 

  4. On Sunday, we talked about the “visible AND invisible” nature of the church. What are the differences between the visible and invisible aspects of the church? 

  5. We also discussed how the church is both local AND universal. Can someone be a part of one without being a part of the other? 

    • What are a few key markers of a local church? 

    • Are there any things that our current church culture tends to set as necessities or markers of a local church that are not represented in scripture?

  6. Read Ephesians 2:19-22. What is the goal of the “building” that Paul refers to? 

  7. Read I Corinthians 12:12-27. How does this “body” analogy attack our tendencies toward individualism and self-serving? Why is that important when trying to grasp the definition of “church”? 

  8. Do you feel that you confidently know the role you are to play in the body?

    • If not, what are your most natural giftings, skill sets, talents, or passions?

    • Which areas of the church do you see those types of things being utilized?

    • If you are having trouble answering those questions, let the others in your group express what they think your gifts or passions are. 

  9. At the very end of the sermon, Jason defined the church as “All people throughout all time who, through Jesus Christ, have become reconciled with God - whether expressed in full universally or in part locally.” So, are you truly part of the Church? If so, are you living like it? 

Phil Wing