I Thessalonians - Week 6

Sunday, February 7, 2021

  1. What “voices” have been most influential on your view of sexuality? (Tv/movies, music, family, friends, church, etc.) 

    • How has that changed as you’ve gotten older? 

  2. Read I Thessalonians 4:1-8.

  3. God’s desire is for us to be sanctified. What is sanctification and what does it actually look like in our lives? 

    • Why do you think that Paul ties sanctification and sexuality together in this passage? 

  4. In vs 6, Paul uses family language (brother) to challenge the church on how they view their sexuality. Why is it important that we consider our brothers & sisters in our struggle against sexual immorality? 

  5. Is “avoiding sexual immorality” a real goal for you? Do you consciously think about it? If so, how are you doing with that goal? 

  6. Is there an area where you know you are toeing the line with sexual immorality? 

    • Are you using excuses like “well, at least I didn’t cross THAT line” or “it’s not THAT bad”? 

    • If so, what lies are we believing? 

  7. Be bluntly honest - is there any sin (sexual or otherwise) that you know you’ve been hiding? 

  8. Is there anything that you need to get rid of in order to better fight sexual immorality?

  9. What is something that would be genuinely helpful for you as you fight sin in your life? (regular accountability, scriptural encouragement, text message check-ins, dedicated men’s/women’s time, etc.) 

  10. Take some time to remind each other of the truth of the Gospel and how that pertains to our battles with sin. What does the Gospel have to say about our weaknesses & propensity for sinful behavior? (II Cor 5:21, Rom 5:8, John 3:16, I John 4:10, I Peter 3:18, etc)

Phil Wing