I Thessalonians - Week 11

Sunday, March 14, 2021

  1. What was one rule your parents had that you “hated,” but now appreciate their wisdom in implementing it?

  2. Describe someone you know who is a “rejoicer.”

  3. Give an illustration in your life where you struggled or succeeded in the “choice to rejoice.”

  4. Describe how the Gospel enables us to rejoice no matter the circumstances.

  5. How is our joy/gratitude connected to our prayer life?

  6. Share the best tip you have received when it comes to your prayer life in general and “praying without ceasing” specifically.

  7. Describe the difference between a thankful person and a “grumbler.”

  8. Why do you think God responds so strongly to “grumblers”?  (Hint:  remember the Israelites)

  9. Discuss possible strategies to “get our focus on Christ” and turning grumbles into gratitude.

  10. In which of the 4 household roles discussed this week does God want you to grow?  (might use a 3x5 card to have everyone write it down).  What step(s) might you take this week in that area?

  11. How would greater trust in Jesus enable you to grow in that area?

Phil Wing