I Thessalonians - Week 12
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Review the prior six “house rules” from the past few weeks.
Review basic facts of The Holy Spirit:
The third person in the Trinity (fully God)
A person and not an “it”
Here are some links to help:
List some of the roles of The Holy Spirit:
Births us (Christians)
Teaches us
Guides us into truth
Bears witness to work of Jesus
Convicts us
Assists us in prayer
Provides spiritual gifts
Helps us overcomes desires of the flesh
Have you experienced any of these recently? Describe.
How would you illustrate what it means to “quench” The Spirit? (Hint: water)
What are some characteristics of a church on fire and a church that is not on fire?
When describing the “prophecy” of God what is the difference between “foretelling” and “forth-telling”?
What are some ways we can “test” prophecy or teaching of the Word?
Four questions:
Does it prove true over time? (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)
Does the teacher exemplify good fruit? A faithful walk? (Matthew 7:15-20)
Does the teaching point you to Jesus? (1 John 4:1-7)
Does the teaching align with scripture? (Acts 17:11 - Bereans)
Have you had any experience with false teaching or false prophets? Describe.
Review Jason’s four application questions. Do you/we want all that God wants for you through The Holy Spirit?
Rehearse the biblical work of The Holy Spirit. (Warnings below):
“Silliness” in name of The Holy Spirit.
Disorderliness in name of The Holy Spirit.
Manipulation in the name of The Holy Spirit.
Is God convicting you of quenching The Holy Spirit?
What is your attitude towards the authoritative proclamation of God’s word?
Are you testing what you hear?
Discuss practical ways a person or group might “test” what they hear.