Dollars and Sense - Our Problem With Money

Sunday, May 2, 2021

  1. For fun, what is the most unusual or ridiculous thing that you’ve spent money on? Was it worth it or do you regret it? 

  2. Why do you think that money seems to be such a sensitive topic for many of us? If it is so sensitive, why should we talk about it? 

  3. The main point of this series, “Dollars and Sense”, is that in order to please God with our money we must know what Scripture teaches about money. This week we focused on our problem with money. Read I Timothy 6:6-10 aloud - what does it say about our problem with money?

  4. The fruit of our money problem is a discontent life. (vs 9-10)  Jason gave us 10 warning signs of discontentment. Were there 1 or 2 that you are most prone to struggle with? Are any of them really gripping you right now? 

    • Unpayable consumer debt  

    • Purchases beyond your means 

    • Comparison 

    • Concern about brand names 

    • Excessive work hours  

    • Refusal to release possessions  

    • Irritability over money 

    • Stealing or financial impropriety  

    • Making excuses for not giving

    • Slow drift away from the Lord

  5. The fruit of discontentment comes from the root of loving money - but what makes money so lovable? 

  6. Why is the love of money a bad thing? (See Luke 16:13 & Hebrews 13:5

    • How can you know when you’ve begun to cross into the territory of loving it? 

  7. The solution to our money problem is to put our hope in God. How does Romans 8:32 help us think through this? 

  8. When we have money, what does I Timothy 6:17-19 tell us to do with it? 

  9. As a way of reminding us why we can put our hope in God, share how He has met your needs, satisfied your desires, or shown Himself to be worthy of worship recently.

Phil Wing