Prayer Service

Sunday, July 25, 2021

This past Sunday, instead of a normal sermon, we took some time to pray together as a church. There were a number of specific ways we were encouraged to pray and the questions below are in reference to those prayer topics. 

  1. Jesus First.
    We want to be a people who see Jesus as primary above all things! 

    • Are there things that are competing for the throne of your heart/mind? 

    • Is there anything that you are struggling to surrender? 

    • Pray for the people of UBC to love Jesus with ALL of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. 

  2. Discipleship Vision.
    God is calling UBC to a renewed vision for making disciples.

    • Do you see yourself as an active participant in the disciple-making mission?

    • Pray for every member of UBC to remember the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and for every ministry to re-center on making disciples. 

  3. Building Project.
    As UBC enters into the next phase of our building campaign, we want to do it all with the Lord’s wisdom.

    • Pray that UBC would be good stewards of the resources God provides and that the building (and the building campaign) would serve our mission and not become our mission.

    • Pray for the teams that are being put together to carry us through this campaign. 

  4. Mission Mindedness.
    Over these last 2 years, God has given UBC a renewed missional vision. 

    • How is God challenging you to be part of His mission to reach the lost? 

    • Pray for the 15(ish) mission partners that UBC has around the world.

    • Pray for the people of UBC to see themselves as everyday missionaries.

  5. Hurting People.
    There are many in UBC that are hurting right now due to loss, sickness, unsaved family, etc. 

    • Are you hurting right now? If so, how?

    • Pray for those who are grieving, struggling to understand, adapting to a “new normal”, etc. 

  6. UBC Leadership.
    These last 2 years have been very tiring for our leaders due to the amount of change, people in crisis, and new needs in ministry. 

    • Pray for our elders, deacons, and staff to have worshipful hearts and strength to persevere. 

    • Also pray for their families as they often bear the weight of ministry in a different way. 

  7. College Church.
    We got to hear from Josh Ortega, pastor of H20 Church at Wright State University. He talked about the unique ministry they have to serve & equip college students. 

    • What was your faith journey like during that season of life (college, upper teen, early 20’s, etc.)? 

    • Spend some time praying for the many college students in and around UBC and the students reached by H20 Church.

Phil Wing