Why We're Here - Week 2 - Knowing Him Personally

Sunday, September 5, 2021

This series is all about answering “Why We’re Here”. Our goal is to call believers to see that we are here to Know Jesus and to Make Him Known. Last week, Pastor Jason asked us “what will you do with your dash?” He was referring to the dash between your birth date and your death date. Last week was an overview of this whole series - to know Him and to make Him known is to live a life of wholehearted worship. 

This week is all about knowing Jesus personally. 

  1. How is knowing someone personally different from knowing about someone? 

    • Give examples of people that you know a lot about, but don’t know personally. 

  2. Read John 3:1-6

    • What does Jesus mean when He tells Nicodemus that he must be “born again”? 

    • How does the “born again” process work? (Who does it? How do we receive it? How do we know if we’ve been born again?)

  3. When did YOU come to know Christ personally? (When did it change from knowing about God to Knowing Him personally? When were you born again?) 

  4. For Nicodemus and so many of us today, there can be a lot of religious activity or doctrinal knowledge but no real relationship with Jesus. Why does that happen so often?

  5. Read John 3:3, John 3:16, and Matthew 7:21-23. Why is it so important that we have a genuine relationship with Christ and not just religious activity or knowledge? 

  6. If we do have a personal relationship with Christ, how can we grow in that relationship? (How do we grow ANY relationship?)

  7. What about us as a church? How can we help people know Jesus personally? (Think about our ministries, groups, classes, services, collective efforts, etc. Try to avoid thinking about what “they” should do and think about what “we” can do. Take responsibility/ownership.) 

  8. We want to BE people who know Christ personally and we want to HELP people know Christ personally. Spend some time praying about how both you and UBC can do that. 

Phil Wing