Why We're Here - Week 4 - Knowing Him Prayerfully

Sunday, September 19, 2021

  1. Review the first 4 weeks of the “Why We’re Here” series. What is this series all about and what have been the major points so far? 

  2. At the beginning of this week’s sermon, Jason shared a story about a man who asked God to show him that He was real and later narrowly missed death in a work accident. He said that was God answering his prayer. Have you ever had an answer to prayer come in a unique or attention-getting way? (Just any unique or unexpected way that God has answered your prayer.) 

  3. Obviously we all have room to grow, but would you say that prayer is a strong point or a weak point of your relationship with God?

  4. Read Romans 8:26-27 and discuss what it means to know God prayerfully. 

  5. How are all 3 persons of the Trinity involved in our prayer life? [Leader note - Who is the aim of our prayers? Who gives us access to God in prayer? Who equips us to know how to pray?]

  6. Jason took some time to explain what Ephesians 6 & Jude 1 mean when they say “pray in the Spirit”. What does that mean? How can we know when we are praying in the Spirit? 

  7. Read Romans 8:5-7, 15, and 26-27. Why is praying in the Spirit important for our daily lives? 

  8. Is there a burden on your heart right now that you struggle to know how to pray about? Share it with the group and let someone else pray along with you. (Perhaps God will give them insight that will help you.)

  9. What is one way that your group can be more intentional about praying in the Spirit together? 

Phil Wing