Why We're Here - Week 5 - Knowing Him Relationally

Sunday, September 26, 2021

  1. This is our fifth week in the “Why We’re Here” series. How would you summarize this series and what have been some major points so far? 

  2. This week is about knowing God relationally. Read Ephesians 4:1-16 aloud together and then answer the question - what is real community? 

  3. Jason started with an analogy about a log in a fire and how quickly its flame goes out when it is alone. How does this relate to Christians and the Church? 

    • During seasons of serious spiritual struggle, was there a lack of community in your life? 

    • How has God used community in your life to build & encourage you?

  4. There are over 60 “one another” passages in the New Testament. (Eph 4:32, 1 Pet 4:9, 1 Thes 5:11, Gal 6:2, Gal 5:13, James 5:16, etc) Read a few of them and give examples of how you see them play out in the life of the Church. 

    • What tends to hinder people from having these types of relationships?

    • How do the “one anothers” show us the importance of community going beyond Sunday mornings? 

  5. In our Ephesians 4 passage, vs 1-6 are all about unity. What is unity AND what is not unity? 

  6. Verses 7, 11, and 12 show us that unity is not opposed to diversity. What are some of the types of diversity that God uses in His Church? 

    • How does diversity (of backgrounds, giftings, wirings, etc.) build up the body of Christ? 

    • How does this impact your view of the people that make up UBC? 

  7. When you think of your talents, passions, gifting, etc, are you using those to build up the Church? If so, how? 

    • Are you unsure of what your gifting is? Let the group (or other believers who really know you) speak into that. 

  8. How does Jason’s fishing analogy of the bobber and the anchor relate to the need for Christian maturity? (See also vs 13-14)

    • How is Christian maturity developed AND how does your maturity impact the maturity of those around you? 

  9. Is there a step you need to take to connect further so that you can Know Him relationally?
    How can we help? 

To learn more about connecting or serving at UBC, go to www.ubcbeavercreek.com and click “next steps”.

Phil Wing