Make Him Known - Week 4 - Resourcefully

Sunday, October 24, 2021

  1. Review the last 3 weeks of our Make Him Known series. What were the big points?

  2. This week we jump into Making Him Known: Resourcefully. To set the pace, read Matthew 25:14-30 as a group. What is the context of this parable? 

    • Who was Jesus talking to?

    • Why did He often use parables?

  3. If you could only use 1 word to summarize Jesus’ main point in this parable, which word would it be? What verses draw you to that conclusion? 

  4. After reading this passage and hearing the sermon this week, what does it mean to make Christ known resourcefully? 

  5. What is the world’s typical mindset and approach to the use of resources? (see Luke 12:13-21; 2 Tim. 3:2; 4:10; 1 John 2:15-18)

    • Describe a time when you had that mindset/approach. 

  6. How does our attitude about time, money, stuff, etc. change when we believe that it all belongs to God in the first place? (see Psalm 24:1, Deut 10:14, 2 Chron 29:11-12, Job 41:11, Psalm 50:11)

  7. Jason said that how we use our earthly resources is indicative of our eternal condition. How?

  8. In the parable, what was the master’s main concern when considering the reward he gave each servant? ( 

    • What does this tell us about our life of service to the Lord and His view of our faithfulness / fruitfulness?

  9. How can you faithfully use the 3 T’s? (Time, Talent, and Treasure) 

    • Which would you like to grow in the most? 

    • What steps would you like to take this week/month? (Be specific, concrete, practical, etc. Don’t over-generalize.) 

  10. Next Sunday is Commitment Sunday where we will ask everyone at UBC to come ready to make a pledge to UBC’s Make Him Known campaign. How has God been working in you (or your family) as you’ve prayed and considered how to be a part of this? (This isn’t a time to share a specific amount or anything like that. Just a time to share how God has been challenging you, encouraging you, specific scriptures He’s used, etc.) 

    • Are there any questions you have about Commitment Sunday that we can discuss as a group?

Phil Wing