Make Him Known - Week 5 - Worshipfully

Sunday, October 31, 2021

  1. This was our last week in the Make Him Known sermon series. This came on the heels of our 5-week Why We’re Here series where we focused on Knowing Him. These series’ covered the 9 characteristics that we want UBC to embody as we live to be wholehearted disciples who Know Him and Make Him Known. Review those 9 characteristics of Knowing Him and Making Him Known. (See image below for any that you can’t remember.) 

  2. Read Romans 12:1-2 together. Also, discuss the context of this passage: Who is he talking to? What big themes did he cover right before Romans 12? What is the “therefore” there for? 

  3. After reading this passage and hearing the sermon this week, what does it mean to make Christ known worshipfully? 

  4. Discuss the imagery of being a “living sacrifice”. Why is it so significant?

    • Contrast the differences between this Biblical definition of worship and how most people would define it today. 

  5. In vs 1, Paul appeals to them “by the mercies of God”. Why is an awareness of God’s mercy so important for our worship?

    • How have you seen the mercy of God shown to you? 

    • What does it do in your heart when you recall the various ways that God has been merciful to you?

  6. Verse 2 tells not to be conformed, but transformed. How have you been transformed? What are some of the most noticeable changes in your life since you started following Jesus? 

  7. Near the end of the sermon, Jason shared a clip of a sermon by John Piper about the folly of a wasted life (sea shell collection) versus a life of worship. Did that resound with you? If so, how? 

  8. How does worship impact all of the other 8 characteristics in the “UBC Seal” of Knowing Him and Making Him Known? (see below for UBC Seal)

  9. How are you being challenged right now when it comes to worship?
    (Spend some time praying for each other, especially if someone shares a significant challenge or obstacle to true worship in their lives.)

Phil Wing