Orphans & Widows - Week 1

Sunday, November 7, 2021

  1. When it comes to orphans (or vulnerable children) and orphan care, what has your experience been so far?

    • What kind of impact have those experiences had on you? 

  2. Why are we so prone to treat things like the orphan-crisis as a number, statistic, or issue instead of relating it directly to people, names, etc.? 

    • Or, what fears do we often have that keep us from really connecting with the vulnerable, lonely, and hurting? 

  3. As Christians, how is our story similar to the story of the orphan? 

  4. Read Galatians 4:3-7 and pay close attention to the way Paul describes God and us in these verses. 

  5. Which parts of these verses describe God as:

    • Father

    • Redeemer

    • Adopter

      Is there one of these characteristics of God that are harder for you to relate to? 

  6. This passage identifies believers as redeemed, adopted, heirs in the kingdom. Take some time to reflect on each.

    • How are they different from our unbelieving state?

    • What do they imply about our future?

    • What do they tell us about our present state (and actions)? 

  7. How does our new identity impact our view of orphan care? 

  8. Is there a particular step that God is leading you to take toward caring for the vulnerable child? (Remember, orphan care is multifaceted including adoption, fostering, mentoring, serving, visiting, providing, protecting, etc.) 

    • What roadblocks or misconceptions are you working through? 

  9. Spend some time praying for:

    • Those regularly caring for the fatherless

    • Those considering how they can engage in orphan care

    • For UBC’s orphan care efforts as we strive to Make Jesus known mercifully and generationally

Phil Wing