Orphans & Widows - Week 2

Sunday, November 14, 2021

  1. Read James 1:27. In this verse, James uses the word “religion”. What is religion and why do you think he felt the need to clarify what “pure religion” is? (Or, how can religion be impure?) 

  2. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible is full of examples of God’s care for the vulnerable, lonely, and overlooked. Here are some of those examples:

    What are the themes? What sticks out to you in these verses about God’s heart for the orphan, widow, etc? 

  3. From the passages above, who has the responsibility of caring for widows? (hint - there is more than 1 answer.) 

  4. When God’s people care for widows, what does it tell the widow about God? 

  5. When God’s people care for widows, what message does that tell the world about God? 

  6. James Risner, our guest speaker this past Sunday, shared 4 categories of how we can care for widows:

    • Be with them

    • Listen to them

    • Defend them

    • Serve them

    Think through each of those categories and make a list of ways that each can be accomplished. (Be practical & specific - don’t generalize.) 

  7. As was said in the previous sermon, “We don’t have to wait for a specific calling when it is already given as a command.” How does the command to care for widows impact you, personally?

    • How are you being challenged to obey and engage? 

    • What steps could you take this week?

  8. Are there any particular ways that your group can work together to MAKE HIM KNOWN mercifully by better serving orphans & widows?

  9. Finish by spending time praying for the widows in your group, family, community, etc. Also pray for a growing loving and compassion as we strive to engage the vulnerable, lonely, and hurting.

Phil Wing