Celebration Sunday

Sunday, November 21, 2021

This week, we didn’t have a traditional sermon. Instead, we took some time to celebrate the step of baptism in the lives of many UBC folks, remember Christ through sharing communion together, and look ahead to see what God is starting to unveil through the Make Him Known initiative.

  1. How are you feeling after the big Make Him Known commitment reveal and interview with the builders on Sunday? (Excited, curious, anxious, etc.)

    • How do you see the Make Him Known initiative helping UBC in our mission to be and make disciples?

  2. Why do we take communion together? See I Corinthians 11:23-26.

    • What do the elements (bread / juice) represent?

    • When the church shares communion together, what are we communicating to each other?

    • What are we communicating to the world?

  3. Why are people baptized? See Romans 6:3-4.

    • What is the act of immersion symbolizing?

    • What is the church’s role with new believers and those who take the step of baptism?

  4. Take some time to share your personal stories of salvation, baptism, etc.

  5. As you think about the Thanksgiving holiday this week, what is something that you are especially grateful for right now?

Phil Wing