True Light - Week 3

Sunday, December 12, 2021

  1. At the beginning of the sermon, Jason talked about getting gifts that require us to receive them with humility. He referenced someone giving the gift of breath mints or a skin treatment to help your armpits sweat less. Have you received a gift like this that required you to have humility in order to accept it? (Have fun with this.)

  2. So far in this series, we have talked about who the True Light is, what the role of the witness is, and now, we get into our response to the True Light. Read John 1:9-13

  3. Verses 11-12 talk about “receiving” Christ. How does someone receive Christ? How would you describe that to a 10 yr old child? 

  4. What does it mean to “believe in His name” as mentioned in v12

  5. Verses 12-13 talk about how we can be children of God. 

    • Who are God’s children? 

    • How do we become God’s children?

  6. John talks about 3 specific ways that we are NOT made children of God in verse 13. What are these 3 ways John referenced and how would you put them into your own words? 

  7. John shows us that there are really only 2 responses to the True Light of Jesus - receive or reject. We have already talked about how someone receives Jesus but let’s talk about how one rejects Jesus. Why does someone reject Jesus? (See II Corinthians 4:3-4)

  8. Have you had a season in your life when you rejected Jesus? 

    • If so, how? Was it harsh denial or was it more subtle? 

  9. Why does it require humility to receive the gift of Jesus? 

*Be careful not to fall into cliche Christian lingo or “Christianese” during this discussion.
Be real. Remember the value of what you’re discussing.

Phil Wing