True Light - Week 4

Sunday, December 19, 2021

  1. At the start of the sermon, Pastor Jason asked when was the last time that you were truly amazed by something you saw? (awestruck, in wonder, etc.) How would you answer that? 

  2. This week, we look at the glory of the True Light. Read John 1:14-18.

  3. In vs 14, John says that we have seen the “glory” of Christ. What does that mean? What is this “glory”? 

  4. Why does it matter that Jesus was fully human? (vs 14)

    • How does Jesus becoming “flesh” and “dwelling among us” show us His glory? 

  5. Verse 14 hits on the “grace and truth” that Jesus brought and revealed. Jason gave a few during the sermon but what are some scriptural examples of when Jesus displayed both grace and truth? (For example - the same Jesus that said “Father, forgive them” also said “Repent or you will perish.”)

    • How have you seen both the grace AND truth of Christ in your life? 

  6. Verse 18 says that Jesus makes God known to us. What do we learn about the character of God through the birth of Jesus? 

  7. This Christmas, how can we help each other stand in awe of the glory of Jesus? (Not just partaking in traditions, etc) 

    • Where are you right now? Is the busyness of the season distracting from the true purpose? Are you having a hard time being joyful due to life circumstances? Share that - let people help you.

    • Is there something specific that is helping you keep your focus and worship Jesus this Christmas? Share that - help others who are longing for it!

Phil Wing