One Thing

Sunday, January 2nd, 2022

  1. UBC Elder, Scott Dixon, said that he thought the word “discombobulation” was the most fitting word for 2021. As you look back, what word would you use to describe the last year? Why?

  2. Scott shared from 2 passages - the first was Luke 10:38-42. After you read it, give a quick description of the 3 main people in this passage. Specifically, how are they represented/described in this passage? 

  3. Both Mary & Martha were doing good things… but only one was doing the best or most “necessary thing.” What was the difference? 

  4. Take some time to read the second passage that Scott taught from - Psalm 27

    • What types of “discombobulation” does David describe in this Psalm? (Put them in modern day terms - like something you may experience today.) 

  5. Amidst all of that distraction, trouble, and discombobulation, what seems to be David’s biggest focus in this Psalm? What verses help us catch that? 

  6. Scott gave us 5 ways to see the beauty of the Lord. Give a quick description for each of these and point to some specific places in Psalm 27 where each is highlighted. 

    • Experientially 

    • Intentionally

    • Intelligently

    • Patiently

    • Jesus-centrically 

  7. Is there one of those 5 ways that you find yourself particularly needing, wanting, or struggling to embrace right now? If so, why?

  8. When you find yourself distracted from truly “gazing” upon the Lord, what are some of the prime suspects for that distraction? (social media, busyness, entertainment, hobbies, shopping, tiredness, etc.) 

    • Is there a particular step that you feel challenged to take to help you refocus and eliminate distractions? 

    • Specifically, how are you managing digital distractions? 

  9. Going back to Martha’s story, Scott called out the unique way that this one little verse in John was written - John 11:5. In a verse that would be easy to pass by, we see a big point. What was it? Why is it so significant? (See Scott’s explanation here.)

    • What is happening in your heart as you consider this point? 

  10. How is Jesus reminding you that He loves you right now? 

“The gospel puts us right back at the feet of Jesus where we can gaze upon His glory.”

Phil Wing