Acts - Week 2

Sunday, January 16th, 2022

  1. To start, review what you learned about the book of Acts last week. (Author, major characters, themes, 3 sections, purpose, etc.) 

  2. Read Acts 1:1-11

  3. In vs 3, it says that Jesus “presented Himself alive” - how did He do that and to whom? (See also Luke 24)

    • Why does it matter that He did this? 

  4. Jesus says in vs 5 that His baptism will be different than John’s baptism. What are the differences? (who, how, why, etc) 

    • In the many branches of Christianity, there are different views of the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”. Based on what we heard in the sermon, how would you define it?

  5. Jesus told His disciples to wait on the Holy Spirit. Why was this so important for them?

    • Why is that same point so important for us (and UBC) today? 

  6. In verses 6-8, we see that the disciples have a different focus than Jesus does. 

    • What are the disciples focused on? Can you relate?

    • What is Jesus’ focus? How does it challenge you?

  7. Read vs 9-11. As you read this, what does the scene look like in your mind? What grabs your attention or stands out to you? 

    • If you were one of the disciples watching this happen, what do you think you’d be feeling or experiencing? 

  8. What comforts are given by the promise of the angels in vs 11? What challenges? 

  9. Jesus tells His disciples to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Obviously, we don’t live in the same area that Jesus and His disciples did so what are your “Jerusalem”, “Judea & Samaria”, and “ends of the earth”? 

  10. Finish by spending time praying for how God will use you, your group, and UBC as His witnesses. 

*Need to Know*

  • Don’t forget to be praying about our next round of elder & deacon nominations and who you will consider nominating. To be reminded of the qualifications for elders & deacons, see Jason’s explanation here. Nominations will be accepted between Jan 23-30.  

  • If your Growth Group hasn’t adopted one of UBC’s missionaries yet, please pray about who your group would like to adopt. We are excited to see every one of our missionary partners encouraged and loved by a growth group. It has already been making a big impact with the missionaries that have been adopted! For questions, contact

Phil Wing