Acts - Week 3

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

  1. Do you have any questions about the elder & deacon nomination process at UBC? (See Jason’s explanation here for details about the qualifications and process.) 

  2. This week’s passage is Acts 1:12-26. Take some time to read it before jumping into this week’s questions. 

  3. What do we know about the eleven disciples listed in this passage? (notice how “ordinary” they were)

    • Vocations

    • Education

    • Family status

    • Strengths/weaknesses

  4. In vs 14, we see the disciples' inclination to pray. How does praying together impact a group? 

  5. How has the Lord been working in your life when it comes to the matter of prayer?

    • UBC?

    • Growth group?

    • Family?

    • Personally?

  6. In vs 16-19, we see a fairly graphic description of Judas’ death. Why is that there? What’s the purpose?

    • What might a “Judas” look like in 2022 at UBC?

  7. Contrast “godly sorrow” and “worldly sorrow”. How do we know when sorrow is godly? (See II Corinthians 7:9-11)

  8. In Acts 1:23-26, we see the interesting process the disciples went through in order to find Judas’ replacement. Give a brief description of this process in your own words. 

    • Why shouldn’t we make decisions by casting lots (as a norm)?

    • Discuss differences between “descriptive” texts and “prescriptive” texts.

  9. Review the three “take-aways” from the sermon. Was there one that was particularly poignant for you?:

    • God does extraordinary things with ordinary people.

    • Turn to Jesus and don’t die like Judas

    • When big decisions come, start with Scripture and prayer and trust the Holy Spirit to lead you from there.

  10. How do you tend to react when facing big decisions? 

    • Are there any big decisions you or your family are currently facing?

*Need to Know*

Don’t forget to be praying about our next round of elder & deacon nominations and who you will consider nominating. To be reminded of the qualifications for elders & deacons, see Jason’s explanation here. Nominations will be accepted between Jan 23-30.

Phil Wing