Partners in the Gospel

Sunday, January 30th, 2022

  1. What stood out to you about our time with Builders for Christ this past weekend?

  2. What questions do you have about BFC, our building plans, etc? (See for more info.)

  3. What are you thinking you might do to partner with BFC this summer? (Is there a specific week you might serve? Or a task you’d like to take on? Maybe your group could sign up to serve together.) 

  4. As Jason said in his message on Sunday, this partnership with BFC isn’t just about building a church building, it is about Gospel partnership. Read Philippians 1:3-6 to hear what Paul thought about his partners in the Gospel. 

  5. When you hear the phrase “partners in the Gospel”, who comes to your mind? 

    • Has there been someone instrumental in your past that has helped shape not only your walk with Jesus, but also how you serve and minister to others? 

    • What about now? Who is presently in your life that you would call a “partner in the Gospel”? 

  6. When you read vs 6, what grabs your attention? Why?

  7. Where do you think Paul’s confidence (“I am sure of this”) comes from? 

    • Why is that important for UBC to notice right now? 

  8. As you consider your partners in the Gospel and UBC’s partnership with BFC, what do you find yourself grateful for? 

  9. Jason said “When God gives Gospel partners, we respond with thankful prayers.” Take some time to pray together as you finish. 

*Need to Know*

  • UBC, along with 2 other churches, is being asked to help provide food for IFI’s annual formal Valentine’s Day banquet. (IFI is a ministry to international students. Learn more here.) This is similar to the request we received to help support their Thanksgiving dinner a few months ago. The banquet will be on Friday, February 11 and the food is requested to be dropped off between 6:00-6:45pm. The requested food for the banquet may be found here. If you are willing to support, please go and sign-up/volunteer. If there are any questions, please reach out to Sandy Corbin ( or 937-902-0120)

  • Ukids is looking to build our Kindergarten - 3rd grade team where you can share the gospel and learn alongside our UBC children each time that you serve!

    • Areas in need

      • Teachers: 1-2 Needed for 8:30, 9:50, and 11:10

      • Small Group Leaders: 3 needed- 8:30

      • Small Group Leaders: 3 needed -9:50

      • Small Group Leaders: 3 needed -11:10

    To volunteer or get more info, contact Amber McFarland ( or 505-331-6425) 

Phil Wing