Acts - Week 4

Sunday, February 6th, 2022

  1. For fun - if you could fluently speak any other language, which one would it be and why? 

  2. Our passage for this week is Acts 2:1-21. Take some time to read it and try to get a mental picture of what is happening 

  3. What do you remember about the historical background of Pentecost and how it plays into the timing & events of this passage in Acts? (50 days, Jewish culture, festivals, etc.) 

  4. Verses 1-4 describe a magnificent movement of the Holy Spirit. Jason talked about it in 3 categories: 1) What they heard. 2) What they saw. 3) What they spoke. In your own words, describe what they were hearing, seeing, and speaking? 

    • How do you think you would have responded if you were in that room with them? 

  5. What is the most significant movement of the Spirit that you have ever experienced personally? (Something you saw, heard, did, etc that can only be explained by the presence and work of the Holy Spirit.) 

  6. It seems that some circles of Christianity have a hard time talking about the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. In your opinion, why is that the case? 

  7. Why were people so astonished by what the disciples were speaking? See verses 5-12

    • How do the events Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel play into this? 

    • Remember Jason’s point about confusion/clarity. Why is that important to the discussion of speaking in tongues today? 

    • (We will be addressing the topic of speaking in tongues many times throughout our study of Acts. If your group has questions about it that weren’t addressed in this sermon, start a list that you can reference after future sermons.) 

  8. In verses 13-21, Peter addresses the crowd.

    • Considering what we know about Peter, why was this a profound moment for him? (Consider his history, recent interactions, etc.) 

    • What were the major themes/points of what he shared? 

    • What is the “day of the Lord”? (v 20)

  9. How does v 21 encourage you? How does it challenge you?

  10. How can we cultivate a greater sensitivity to the leadership of the Holy Spirit? 

    • Is there an area of unbelief that you need to address in order to be more open to the movement of the Spirit in your life?

* Need to Know *

  • UBC, along with 2 other churches, is being asked to help provide food for IFI’s annual formal Valentine’s Day banquet this Friday. (IFI is a ministry to international students. Learn more here.) This is similar to the request we received to help support their Thanksgiving dinner a few months ago. The banquet will be on Friday, February 11 and the food is requested to be dropped off between 6:00-6:45pm. The requested food for the banquet may be found here. If you are willing to support, please go and sign-up/volunteer. If there are any questions, please reach out to Sandy Corbin ( or 937-902-0120)

  • Be sure to visit and click on “building project” to learn about ways you will be able to volunteer and help with the work this summer. We’d love every Growth Group to participate!

Phil Wing