Acts - Week 6

Sunday, February 20th, 2022

  1. Discuss how your group (individually or together) is planning to serve this summer during the building project. See the volunteer page for more info.)

  2. Jumping into this week’s study of Acts, what has happened in the parts we’ve covered so far? (ch 1:1 - 2:41)

  3. This week we move to Acts 2:42-47. Take some time to read this passage and see how the early church started to develop. 

  4. What were the 4 foundational practices of the early church? (v.42)

  5. When Pastor Jason was talking about the early church’s devotion to the apostles’ teaching, he warned us to be careful of falling into the trap of thinking “I’m not big on doctrine - I just want to love Jesus.” What is the danger of thinking this way? (Why does it seem that love and doctrine are sometimes at odds with each other?)

  6. In this passage, what verses/phrases describe the type of fellowship they experienced? 

    • Describe the way they met each other’s needs. 

    • Have you experienced that kind of fellowship? If so, when/how? 

  7. Why do you think opening your home and sharing a meal are such important parts of how the church is formed?

  8. How does our American culture in 2022 impact these 4 practices? (both positive and negative)

  9. What do each of these 4 practices look like today at UBC? 

    • Rank them strongest to weakest for UBC and share why you ordered them that way. 

    • Would those rankings be the same for our group? If different, why?

  10. End by praying that God would grow us in these 4 practices, that our awe & praise would grow, and that many people would come to faith in Jesus. 

*Need to Know*

  • Has your group adopted one of our missionaries yet? If so, send them some encouragement this week. If not, reach out to our Missions Team at and let them know you’d like to learn more about it.

Phil Wing