Acts - Week 7

Sunday, February 27th, 2022

  1. Scott talked about how some names carry a certain weight or authority. What are some names that you feel carry a lot of authority today? 

  2. Read Acts 3:1-10 - Considering what the disciples had experienced in chapters 1-2, what role does this miracle play in their mission? (Remember, what was the real purpose/purposes of miracles?) 

  3. In vs 4-5, what might have been the significance of Peter & John “directing their gaze” upon this beggar? (Consider how many of us might respond to a beggar today.) 

    • How does that help us to understand Jesus’ perspective of us in our weak & broken state? 

  4. In vs 6, Peter says “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” During the sermon, Scott called this the ”pivot point” of this passage. Why was it so crucial for Peter to use the name of Jesus when healing this man? 

    • What impact does the name of Jesus have on our day to day lives?

  5. This passage shows us the power of Jesus… but it also shows that His power is different than most. What is so unique & counter-cultural about the power of Jesus? (How does He flip the typical power structure on its head?)

    • List some examples of this counter-cultural power that we’ve seen so far in Acts. 

  6. This beggar was asking for coins, not realizing that his potential healing was staring him in the face. We often do this too - we let our felt-needs take all of our attention and miss our greater needs. What are some ways you can struggle with this - missing your greatest need due to your fixation on your immediate, felt-need? (Money, significant others, health, etc. Don’t overgeneralize - be real.)

  7. This miracle reminds us that there is hope in the name of Jesus. How do you think this beggar was impacted beyond just his legs working again? How did it impact his present & future, his relationships, his worship, etc? 

    • As a way of rehearsing it together - how does the name of Jesus provide hope for the broken in our world today? 

  8. At the end of the message, Scott talked about how people who have experienced God’s healing can’t help but make it known. How have you experienced the healing & hope-building work of Jesus in your life? (Again, be real and share personally.) 

  9. How can you pray for each other to more fully understand the authority, power, and hope that comes with the name of Jesus? 

    • Is there someone that you’re close to that doesn’t yet know the hope of Jesus? Pray for them too! 

*Need to Know*

Don’t forget that we are asking everyone to prayerfully consider how you will be a part of our building project this summer. You should have received a commitment card at the service on Sunday and you can also see the digital care here (starting Mar 6) -

Phil Wing