Acts - Week 8

Sunday, March 6th, 2022

  1. Walk through a basic overview of what has happened in Acts 1:1 - 3:10. What were the major events & points? (Be sure to cover the events of ch 3:1-10 as it leads right into the passage for this week.)

  2. Read Acts 3:11-26

  3. In vs 12, Peter asks the crowd 2 questions - “...why do you wonder at this?...” and “...why do you stare at us?...” 

    • In your opinion, why is Peter addressing their shock at this man’s healing? 

    • When Peter notices that they’ve become the focus of the “wonder”, where does He direct the attention? (Why is this important?)

  4. In your own words, summarize Peter’s point in vs 13-15

  5. Verse 16 calls us back to our discussion from last week about the power, authority, and hope that comes from the name of Jesus. What is one way that you have seen this power, authority, or hope recently? 

  6. When referencing vs 17-18, Jason said “Although we were not innocent, God has grace for our ignorance.” How has God proven this to you in your life? 

  7. Verses 19-20 are a call to repentance. 

    • What is repentance (Define it) and why is it necessary?

    • Why do we often view it as a bad thing instead of seeing it the way that vs 19-20 & 26 describe it? 

  8. Do you move to repentance quickly or does it take a while? Why? 

  9. Is there an area of your life where you are experiencing conviction and you know you need to repent? If so, how can we help? 

  10. At the end of the sermon, Jason encouraged us to be quick to give God glory for the things He is doing. How have you seen God at work recently? Spend some time thanking God for these things as you conclude your time together.

Phil Wing