Acts - Week 10

Sunday, March 20th, 2022

  1. When was the last time you received some type of opposition to your faith? (mistreated, spoken down to, threatened, ignored, etc.) How did you respond?

  2. Before we jump into this week’s passage, give a high-level recap of what has happened so far in the first 4 chapters of Acts. (Just highlight the 4-5 major events that lead up to this week’s passage.) 

  3. Read Acts 4:23-31 and pay attention to how the disciples responded to opposition. 

  4. The first thing we see in vs 23 is that the disciples went back to their Christian friends. These were the kinds of friends that they knew would be alongside them through this difficult trial - the kind that both comfort you and build you up for the battle ahead. Do you have Christian relationships like this? If yes, how have you seen these friends come alongside you in your trials? (If not, express that to your group and pray together that God would grant you relationships like this.) 

  5. Verses 24-30 are the prayer that the disciples prayed after receiving such hostile opposition. 

    • How does the prayer start? (Where is the attention?)

    • What are they acknowledging in vs 24-26 and why is it important?

    • Verses 27-28 call out an important theological perspective - what is it? 

    • What is the primary request of vs 29? Does this strike you as an encouragement or a challenge? (or both?) 

    • Verse 30 reminds us that all of the wonderful, miraculous work is done by whom? 

  6. When you hear the phrase “filled with the Holy Spirit”, what usually comes to mind? 

    • What did the filling of the Holy Spirit lead to in vs 31

  7. As you finish, pray together in 2 ways:

    • That we would be filled with the Holy Spirit so we can be bold witnesses

    • That when opposition comes we would have confidence in the Sovereign Lord

*Need to Know*

If your group has adopted one of our UBC missionaries, be sure to pray for them often during your group time together. If your group has not yet adopted one of our missionaries, please email to begin that process. Our goal is for every group to do this!

Phil Wing