Asking for a Friend (part 3) - Why would I commit to the church when its leaders keep failing?

Sunday, May 1st, 2022

  1. This week’s topic was a sobering one.  Does anyone want to share an experience with a trusted Christian leader and his/her failure?

  2. Has anyone experienced a friend or a family member who have left the church due to the failure of a Christian leader?

  3. Jason asked the question:  “Why should I commit to the church when so many leaders are failing?”  He gave us four reasons to stick it out.  He began with one verse: Matthew 16:18.  Have someone read the verse, and then seek how many of the four “reasons” the group can remember (without looking at notes).

Reason #1 – The church is a work in progress, and it includes you.

  1. What does it mean to respond in “humility” to church failures?

Reason #2 – The church is led by flawed leaders and it always has been.

  1. Review with the group some of the leadership failures in the Old Testament and then the New Testament.

  2. Have someone read I Timothy 3:2 and then I Peter 5:3.  How do those passages relate to this point?  

  3. What did Jason mean by distinguishing an “exemplary” life from a “sinless” life?

Reason #3 – The church belongs to Jesus and it cost him greatly.

  1. Have someone read I Corinthians 1:10-12 and I Cor. 3:4-5.

  2. How does the problem in the Corinthian church manifest itself today?

  3. Why is the temptation to idolize leaders so dangerous?

Reason #4 – The church will battle Hell and the church is unstoppable.

  1. Have someone read Acts 20:29-30 and 2 Peter 2:1-3

  2. What light do these passages shed on our discussion?

  3. Why is Jason’s following comment so crucial in this discussion?  “Pain is not a permission slip for bitterness?”

  4. Finish by spending time as a group praying for the leadership at UBC.  Specifically, consider how today’s four points prompt specific prayers (both requests and praise).

*Need to Know*:

1. Go to to see the volunteer schedule for this summer’s building project. If you signed up, you can see your time slots there. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can also see where there are openings for you to fill-in. 

2. Don’t forget about the Walk for Life that is coming up May 14! Sign up by going to or visit the Mission Table in the lobby for more information. Contact Elizabeth Hunter if you have questions.

Phil Wing