Asking for a Friend (part 3) - What if Heaven sounds boring to me?

Sunday, May 8th, 2022

  1. When you were growing up, what was your impression of Heaven and what it would be like? 

  2. Have you ever thought or talked with someone who viewed Heaven as boring? What reasons were given? 

  3. On Sunday, in looking at Rev. 21-22, Pastor Jason corrected 3 common misunderstandings regarding Heaven. So, you’ll likely think heaven will be boring if you misunderstand these things. Can anyone remember what they were (without using your notes)? 

  4. Let’s read some of Rev. 21-22 and talk through the misunderstandings. Have someone read Rev. 21:1-7 and someone else read Rev. 22:1-5

    Misunderstanding #1 – Where it will be

  5. Where do people, even Christians, assume Heaven will be? (i.e. ethereal, spiritual realm, floating on clouds, etc.)

  6. According to the Bible, where is Heaven? (Differentiate between “first Heaven” - see Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 5:8, Phil. 1:23 and “new heaven and new earth” - Rev. 21:1-2

  7. What will be so amazing (and not boring!) about the new heaven and new earth? (optional: Have someone read Isaiah 60:15-22 for more striking imagery) 

    Misunderstanding #2 – Who will be there 

  8. Who does the Bible say will be in Heaven (Rev. 21:7, cf. 1 John 5:5; Rev. 22:14)? Who will not be in Heaven (see Rev. 21:8)? 

  9. Who is a believer from the Bible or Christian history that you would love to talk with in heaven? Briefly explain why. 

  10. While the Bible speaks of all of God’s people in Heaven, whose presence does the Bible focus on? (God’s presence - Rev. 21:3, 22:3-5). 

  11. Why will it be so amazing (and not boring!) to see God face to face? (see 1 Cor. 13:12 - we only see dimly now)

    Misunderstanding #3 – What we will be doing 

  12. Sometimes it’s easy to assume Heaven will be one long church service. How does the Bible clarify our expectations of Heaven? (see Rev. 22:3 - servants who work and worship; We will experience work as we never have before - “As Randy Alcorn states in his book Heaven, ‘We’ll also have work to do, satisfying and enriching work that we can’t wait to get back to, work that’ll never be drudgery’ (p. 331)” -

  13. How should the fact that Heaven is coming affect our work and worship now? (i.e. We should desire to be good stewards of God’s talents and gifts He’s given us - see Matt. 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27; We should do all for the glory of the God we will spend eternity enjoying - Col. 3:23-24 - note the “inheritance” mentioned in v.24!) 

  14. Finish by spending time as a group in prayer praising God for the glorious inheritance He’s prepared for every believer. Join the Apostle John in asking Jesus to come soon (Rev. 22:20) and put an end to the sin, sorrow and death of this present age (Rev. 21:4). Pray that God would continue to clarify your understanding of Heaven and fill your hearts with joy at the glory that awaits you.

*Need to Know*:

Don’t forget about the Walk for Life that is coming up May 14! Sign up by going to or visit the Mission Table in the lobby for more information. Contact Elizabeth Hunter if you have questions.

Phil Wing