Acts - Week 15

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

  1. In the sermon, UBC Elder, Scott Dixon, gave some of the people in Acts ch 5 rapper names like “Rabbi G”. What rapper names would you give the apostles? 

  2. What were some of the funniest fads in your lifetime?

    • Besides horses, name some other things that haven't had “staying power”.

  3. What is something often taken for granted today that you think will disappear someday?

  4. In the first 5 chapters of Acts, Peter gives many sermons, defenses, and public proclamations. Skim through them and try to identify the repeated themes. 

  5. Take some time to read the passage from Sunday - Acts 5:27-42.

  6. Think about the Apostles BEFORE Jesus’ death & resurrection versus AFTER His death & resurrection. What are some of the differences we see in them? 

    • How has the resurrection changed you?

  7. Scott referenced the way that the Apostles were keenly aware of Kingdom reality, as opposed to the opinions of the culture & people around them. In our day, we have so many thoughts & opinions swirling around us all the time from the news, social media, podcasts, etc. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with information and opinion saturation? If so, how does it impact you? 

    • Are there specific voices/influences that you wish would NOT impact you…but they, unfortunately, do?

  8. How might the Beatitudes serve as "hot takes" (or unpopular perspectives) for our current situation?

  9. Scott talked about how the disciples wanted to be like their hero, Jesus. Remember though how these disciples had failed their hero many times. How did Jesus react to their failings? And how did that factor into their motivation to walk like Him?

    • How has Jesus reacted to YOUR failings?

    • How is that impacting your desire to walk like Him?

  10. End your time in prayer together. Are there any specific barriers that are keeping you from experiencing the power of the resurrection? Or seeing the Kingdom reality (instead of so many opinions)? Or really walking like Him? If so, share them and pray together about them. 

*Need to Know*

Ice Cream for BFC Volunteers
Each Thursday night, we want to bless the many BFC volunteers who are coming from all over the country to serve us with a simple, tasty treat. Come any Thursday at 6:30pm with your favorite frozen treat (on a stick) to pass out to the kind volunteers. Contact Lisa Hamilton if you have questions -

Phil Wing