Acts - Week 16

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

  1. In one sentence, describe a highlight from your week. 

  2. UBC has obviously grown a lot recently. What is one thing that you really like about our growth? What is one thing that has been harder due to growth?

  3. The early church experienced these positives & negatives as well. Read Acts 6:1-7 to see an example and how they handled it. 

  4. What were the differences between the Hellenistic Jews and the Hebraic Jews? Describe a few of the tensions that might have been happening now that these 2 groups were brought together? (There is only 1 listed in the passage, but I’m sure you could imagine a few others based on the differences between these groups.) 

  5. Why do you think that widows (and orphans) seem to be so special to the Lord? (See also James 1:27.

  6. What were some of the qualifications for who could be selected as a deacon? (See also I Timothy 3:8-13.)

  7. How did establishing a deacon team help the church continue to be faithful to the Word? 

    • Are there other structures (or forms of organization) in the church that have helped the church be faithful to the Word? 

  8. In the sermon, Pastor Jason shared how this passage helps us see that the ministries of teaching and service are not competing, but complementary. In UBC (or even your group), who do you see that is helping people know the Word? Who is making sure that people are taken care of? How are they a gift to the church or group? (Some people may feel awkward about this… but just embrace the opportunity to acknowledge each other’s gifts and encourage one another.) 

  9. As the church continues to grow, what else do you think will be needed in order for us to continue to be faithful to the Word AND caring for the people?

  10. Consider taking 2-3 minutes to send a text message to one or two of our elders, deacons, or staff members just to thank them for the care & leadership that they provide for UBC. 

  11. Are you connected to a widow? How can you encourage them or meet a need for them this week? 

  12. As you close, remember those leaders, servants, and widows that were discussed and cover them in prayer.

*Need to Know*

Ice Cream for BFC Volunteers
Each Thursday night, we want to bless the many BFC volunteers who are coming from all over the country to serve us with a simple, tasty treat. Come any Thursday at 6:00pm with your favorite frozen treat (on a stick) to pass out to the kind volunteers. Contact Lisa Hamilton if you have questions -

Phil Wing