Acts - Week 18

Sunday, June 5th, 2022

  1. Quickly recap last week’s introduction to Stephen. Why is he in trouble? What is he being accused of? 

  2. Take some time to read Acts 7:1-8:3. (It’s long - take turns having different people read aloud.)

  3. Why did Stephen cover so much history in what he shared? 

    • What was his purpose in showing them the patterns of their history? (What were those patterns?)

  4. Though he is accused of blaspheming Moses, Stephen highlights Moses. What are some of the similarities between Moses & Jesus? (See Acts 7:20-46)

  5. What does Stephen say that makes them think he is blaspheming the temple? (See Acts 7:44-50)

    • What is the actual point that Stephen is making when he says this? 

    • How might this apply to UBC today as we work through our building expansion project?

  6. Verse 51 uses some interesting descriptions - “stiff-necked people”, “uncircumcised in heart and ears”. Put those into your own words. How would we say those same things with today’s language? 

  7. In vs 52-53, Stephen clarifies his point that even though the people of Israel were constantly prepared for the coming Messiah, they still weren’t ready for Him and definitely didn’t respond to Him well. Why would this be the case? Why is it so easy for these people who always talk about God to completely miss Jesus? (Look back at your answers to question 6 for hints.) 

    • How does this relate to us “church-folk” today? What are some of the ways that we tend to miss Jesus? 

  8. We learn in this passage that these religious people didn’t just miss Jesus, they rejected His message to the point of some seriously sinful action… including murder. How does that happen? How do church people end up making such sinful choices while claiming righteous reasons? (See Jason’s last takeaway point for help.) 

  9. What do you see as significant (encouraging, challenging, etc) about Stephen’s response to their sinful actions? (See vs 55-60)

  10. Jason gave us 4 major takeaway points from the sermon. Which one was most impactful for you? Why? 

    • Be ready to share why you believe what you believe. 

    • View our new building in the right perspective.

    • Remember those who are still being persecuted around the world.

    • Don’t harden your heart to the truth.

*Need to Know*

In advance of the Supreme Court decision, the Pro-Life group at UBC is recommending the church have a day of prayer and fasting on Tues, June 14. Please pray:

-That the Supreme Court will go forward with actions to support the sanctity of life
-For the protection of the justices, those in the pro-life centers, and the churches that support pro-life
-That hearts will be softened and turned to know that life begins in the womb

Phil Wing