Acts - Week 19

Sunday, June 12th, 2022

– For fun – 

  • Do you know what your name means? (Example: Phillip means “lover of horses”) 

    • Is there a famous person (current or historical) that shares your same name? 

    • Do you know why your parents picked that name for you?

– For background – 

  • Read Acts 8:4-40 and pay attention to Philip and the people he interacts with. 

  • What do we know about this man, Philip? (Background, role, etc.) 

  • What is so significant about the Samaritans receiving the Gospel? 

  • In vs 9 we meet Simon. What is going on in his mind & heart during his interaction with Philip (and the apostles)? 

  • As you recount the story of Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian official, what stands out to you? (What is cool, weird, funny, beautiful, etc.?) 

– For application – 

  • Share a time when you found yourself in a situation/season that was extremely difficult but God also used it for something good? 

  • “The power of God only comes through genuine connection with God.” How is your “connection” right now? 

    • Are you experiencing the power of God in your life right now? If so, how?

    • Do you ever find yourself trying to live off of someone else’s connection? (Ex: Simon asking Peter to repent for him.) 

  • In the sermon, Phil pointed out that God does big things through normal people doing little things. 

    • Who is a person that you know that has been faithful with these kinds of “little things” and you saw God use them in big ways?

    • What are some “little things” or small steps that you feel challenged to do/take? 

  • In this passage, we see that Jesus isn’t just the answer for some, but for all. How has Jesus shown Himself to be the answer for you lately?

*Need to Know*

In advance of the Supreme Court decision, the Pro-Life group at UBC is recommending the church have a day of prayer and fasting on Tues, June 14. Please pray:
-That the Supreme Court will go forward with actions to support the sanctity of life
-For the protection of the justices, those in the pro-life centers, and the churches that support pro-life
-That hearts will be softened and turned to know that life begins in the womb

Phil Wing