Acts - Week 20

Sunday, June 19th, 2022

  1. Last week we talked about the unlikely conversion of the Samaritans and this week we are discussing the unexpected conversion of Saul. Have you seen any unlikely/unexpected conversions in your lifetime? Who is someone that you were totally surprised by when you heard they became a believer?

  2. Recap what we know about Saul from chapters 7 & 8 of Acts. (Who was he before his conversion?)

  3. Read Acts 9:1-19 about Paul’s conversion. 

  4. Jason described Paul’s interaction with the Lord as a “divine interruption”. Has there been a time in your life when Jesus just showed up and “interrupted” your plan?

    • Jason said “The Lord may humble your life in order to save it.” Did any of your “divine interruptions” involve you being brought low and humbled? 

  5. How did Paul respond to His “divine interruption”? 

    • What can we learn from his response?

  6. What is the unique role that Ananias has in this passage

    • How would you feel if the Lord asked you to do what He asked of Ananias? 

    • What was God teaching Ananias through this? 

    • Why is it significant that Ananias calls Saul “Brother” in vs17?

  7. We’ve seen baptism a few times in Acts 1-9. What are we learning about the who/why/when/how of baptism so far? 

  8. Jason gave 5 takeaway thoughts. Which of these struck you the most (and why)?

    • You can be religiously sincere and still be sincerely lost. 

    • God may drop a divine interruption into your life in order to save it. 

    • Don’t give up on the most unlikely convert in your life. 

    • God converted Saul in order to convert you. 

    • Do what the Lord calls you to do. 

God’s grace turns ENEMIES of His family into MEMBERS of His family.

Phil Wing