Acts - Week 21

Sunday, June 26th, 2022

  1. Read Acts 9:19b-31.

  2. In this passage, we learn about Barnabas the Encourager. Scott Dixon (UBC Elder) called Barnabas a “carpenter” because he was building others up, giving them courage to face life. This passage isn’t the only one that refers to the encouraging nature of Barnabas. Look at Acts 9:26-28, 11:21-24, and 4:33-37. What were some of the attitudes, traits, or practices described in this passage that help us know Barnabas was an encourager? 

  3. The first point of the sermon was “In order to be an encouraging person, we need to have a heart after God’s own heart.” What does this mean? How can we have a heart after God’s heart?

  4. The second point was “In order to be an encouraging person, we need to have eyes that see the potential in others.” Who comes to mind when you think of a person who always sees the potential within someone? (This could be a person in your life, a person from the Bible, or someone in history.) 

  5. “In order to be an encouraging person, we need to have ears that listen to other people’s stories.” Why is listening so important? What are the potential connections of listening & encouraging? 

  6. The last point was “In order to be an encouraging person, we must have a tongue that speaks life words and not death words.” 

    • What are death words and what are life words? 

    • Why does it seem so easy to find death words and so hard to find life words? 

    • In your experience, has the Church spoken more life words or death words to you? 

  7. What would change if the church in America was known for (1) Having a heart after God’s own heart, (2) Having eyes that see the potential in others, (3) Having ears that listen to the stories of others, (4) Having tongues that speak life words into others?

    • How could we employ these 4 “carpenter” traits when considering the current social climate (Roe vs Wade, racial tension, political differences, etc) or Church climate (theological differences, denominational tension, etc)? 

  8. Verse 31 shows us that encouragement isn’t just a “nice” thing so people feel better. What were some of the results that were brought on, in part, by Barnabas’ encouragement of Saul?

  9. Who is someone that is a “carpenter” or encourager in your life right now? How are they building you up? (If that person is in your group, take a second to share it!) 

  10. For personal application, is there someone in your life that most have given up on? How might you be able to see, listen, or speak to them this week?

Phil Wing