Acts - Week 23

Sunday, July 10th, 2022

  1. What divisions among people (or people groups) seem to be strongest in our culture today? 

  2. Take some time to read all the way through Acts 10. (Have different people take turns reading aloud.)

  3. At the end of chapter 9 and beginning of chapter 10, we hear about Peter living with Simon the tanner. Jason said this was significant because God was using it to help Peter come close to the types of people that would normally have been rejected or held at a distance. Have you ever had an experience like this? (One where God put things in your life in order to help you get close to a person or type of people that would often be rejected or overlooked)

  4. If you could summarize in your own words the point of Peter’s vision/dream from vs 9-16, what would it be? (Beyond his food choices, what was God trying to tell Peter?)

  5. Jewish “superiority” seemed to be a deeply entrenched attitude in Peter’s time. Where do you think that came from? (How was that attitude built?)

    • Throughout this passage, how does God chip away at that view of superiority?

  6. How has ethnic superiority or discrimination played a role in our culture in the U.S.?

    • How has it impacted the Church today?  

  7. In vs 34-43, Peter finally realizes what God was saying to him and he shares it with Cornelius and the people. Why was this so significant? (Remember Jason’s thoughts here.)

  8. In what places do you need God’s help to overcome subtle (or overt) attitudes of superiority, disdain, or disregard for people who are different from you?

  9. Just as Peter responded to God’s call to take the Gospel to Cornelius, is there someone that God is calling you to take the Good News to? 

    • Have you ever prayed that God would send you TO someone instead of just asking Him to send someone to you? 

  10. Peter’s realization that the Gospel was for all led to many Gentiles in Caesarea coming to faith in Jesus. Likewise, for us, God can do huge things when we see people through His lens and not just our own. Take some time to pray and ask God to grow your ability to see people from various ethnicities, cultures, etc. more like He does.

Phil Wing