Acts - Week 24

Sunday, July 17th, 2022

  1. Last week we prayed and asked the Lord to send us TO someone (instead of just asking Him to send someone to us). Did anyone feel led to make a move for the purpose of sharing the Gospel this week? If so, how did that Gospel opportunity go?

  2. Read Acts 11:1-18.

  3. Acts chapters 10 & 11 both address the amazing move of the Gospel from the Jews to the Gentiles. But we learn that not everyone was happy about that… even the Jewish Christians. Why weren’t they excited about the good news of Jesus being embraced by the Gentiles?

    • What might this imply about their understanding of the Gospel?

  4. In the culture of the Church, what are some things that can creep in and become a bigger issue to us than the Gospel? (This could be throughout church history or today.)

  5. Jason said that “In the Church, Jesus makes ‘us’ and ‘them’ into ‘WE’.” This passage obviously addresses that from a Jew/Gentile standpoint, but what are some other examples of how Jesus makes “us” and “them” into “WE”? 

  6. Reflect on vs 18 when it says “...God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

  7. What have you gained/learned/appreciated by exposure to Christians who are ethnically/racially different from you? 

  8. Jason challenged us to see that any opposition to people due to their ethnicity is actually opposition to God. He stated 4 reasons for that: 1.) It opposes His creation of every person in His image. 2.) It opposes His salvation for anyone who will believe. 3.) It opposes His kingdom with people from every nation. 4.) It opposes His Son who makes one body from all people. Which of those stood out to you? Why?

  9. What are the barriers standing in the way of the Church (including UBC) truly reaching the nations?

    • How should we handle these barriers? 

  10. To end, rehearse the Gospel together - what is it and why is it good news for ALL people?

Phil Wing