Acts - Week 27

Sunday, August 7th, 2022

  1. Read Acts 13:1-3

  2. In vs 1, we see 5 different people mentioned. What do we know about these men and why is it important for us to see them working together in Antioch? (Think about what we’ve studied in Acts so far and WHY it would be unique for all these people to work together.) 

  3. In vs 2-3, we see WHAT these 5 prophets & teachers were doing together. Describe the important things they were doing and why they are so vital to ministry. 

  4. During their time together, the Holy Spirit confirms the calling that He had already been building in Paul & Barnabas. Have you ever experienced something like that? Has there been a time when God used a worship service, prayer time, or “holy moment” to confirm a call that He had been building in you for a while? 

  5. In this passage, we see Paul & Barnabas commissioned out to do the work that God called them to do. 

    • What is the significance of “laying their hands on them”? (Why does the Church do this?)

    • What implications does this have for the Church today in our recognizing and commissioning people for ministry? (What is the church’s responsibility when it comes to commissioning or “sending out” people for ministry?)

  6. In the sermon, Jason talked about how we sometimes miss how far-reaching the impact of a church “sending out” and commissioning people for ministry can be. 

    • What are some of the long term impacts of this specific commissioning in Acts 13?

    • Do you know of a modern example of the far-reaching impact of someone being sent out? 

  7. Spend some time praying for those who are being called (or having hints of a call) right now. If someone in your group is feeling that call, have them share a bit about it and pray that God would give wisdom and confirmation.

Phil Wing