Acts - Week 26

Sunday, July 31st, 2022

  1. We celebrated a bunch of baptisms this past Sunday. Just for a basic reminder, what is baptism? (What does it mean, what does it NOT mean, why do we do it, etc)

    • What is the most significant thing that you remember about your baptism? 

    • If anybody in the group has not been baptized but would be interested in finding out more about it, you can read UBC’s statements on baptism here or come to our next baptism class.

  2. As we continue our study of Acts, take some time to read all of Acts 12. (There are 25 verses so break it up into a few sections and have a few different people read.) 

  3. In this passage, there are a few key people that are identified:

    • Herod (vs 1) - which Herod is this? What do we know about him? 

    • There are 2 different men named James in this passage (vs 2 & vs 17). Who are they and how do we know that they are different?

    • Peter - what is his current predicament? 

  4. As Peter was bound in prison, he slept… and apparently he slept hard enough to need quite a jolt in order to wake up (vs 6-7). How could he sleep like this? Could you? 

  5. Verses 5-11 describe Peter’s angelic release from prison. As you read through those verses, what are some clear examples of God “going before him” and rescuing him from captivity?

    • Have you ever seen God “going before you” in a similar way?

  6. There are so many funny or unique moments in verses 12-17 when Peter arrives at Mary’s house. What parts stick out to you as funny or unique? 

    • How do you think this would play out if Peter was knocking on the door outside of your Growth Group’s meeting? 

  7. As we look at the end of this chapter and see the surroundings of Herod’s death, consider these 3 questions:

    • Why do we tend to seek glory for ourselves?

    • What happens when glory is misappropriated? (Take Herod’s situation into consideration but also think more broadly.) 

    • What impact can our sinful shortcomings have on God’s purposes & plans?

  8. Verse 5 talks about “earnest prayer”. What do you think that is? (What does it look like, sound like, or feel like?) 

    • Would you call your prayer life “earnest”? Why or why not? 

  9. How are you handling God’s sovereignty right now? 

    • Is there anything particular in your life that is causing you to struggle to trust (or rest) in His sovereignty? If so, consider sharing and allowing others into that part of your life in order to listen, pray, and encourage. 

    • Is there anything in particular that is helping you rest in His sovereignty right now? If so, please share - we all need to hear it!

Phil Wing