Acts - Week 33

Sunday, October 2, 2022

  1. Have you ever had a big disagreement about theology with a Christian friend? Care to

    share a bit? (Please keep friend(s) as anonymous as you can)

This week’s sermon covers an episode in the early church describing one such theological point of tension. Read Acts 15:1-21

  1. Reflect with the group why there was a tension between the Jewish believers and the

    new Gentile converts over the role of the Law. What were the roots of the controversy?

    (see below for some ideas)

    • Early church began as a Jewish based religion. (Jesus was a Jew!)

    • The Jewish Christians grew up steeped in the Law – to follow God was to keep

      the Law.

    • Gentiles were seen as total outsiders and even “unclean.”

  2. Why did Paul and Barnabas take the issue to Jerusalem to be decided?

    • It is where the church began.

    • Leaders were still there including James, brother of Jesus who seems to be the

      leader of the church in Jerusalem (not Peter).

  3. Describe the tension of works (Law) vs. grace (Gospel) as laid out in the episode.

  4. Where do we see that same tension raising its head in today’s churches?

  5. Why did Jason warn us about a “Jesus +” gospel? Where does that put the focus?

  6. Why is the doctrine of “salvation by grace through faith in Jesus alone” worth


  7. What were some of the examples Jason gave of other doctrines that don’t rise to the

    level of this one?

    • Prophecy, gift of tongues, eschatology (pre-mill, post-mill, pre-trib, post-trib debates)

    • Any others?

  8. Why do you think the average American non-believer describes a type of “salvation

    by works” when asked about their eternal destiny?

  9. Next week, Jason will explain why the Jerusalem Council picked out the 4 conditions

    seen in v. 19-21. Just for fun, any thoughts or ideas why they mention these 4?

Scott Dixon