Acts - Week 34

Sunday, October 9, 2022

  1. Start off with how Jason began the sermon: “Is it ok for a Christian to eat a rare steak?” (Press people to give specific reasons for their answer)

  2. Take some time to review last week’s sermon and the reasons Paul and Barnabas had to go to Jerusalem. (Hint: review verses 1-5)

  3. Now go back and read yesterday’s passage (maybe read around the circle verse by verse). Acts 15:19-35

  4. Why these four restrictions?

  5. Discuss the significance of idol meat for Jewish Christians living at that time (Hint: the 10 commandments and law; the polytheism of their culture)

  6. What happened to v. 34 in some translations? (Hint: the manuscript evidence)

  7. If time allows, review I Cor. 8:4-13 and what light it sheds on Acts 15’s restrictions.

  8. The second takeaway focuses on our willingness to forgo certain Christian liberties to honor Christian fellowship.

    • What are some examples of this happening?

  9. Return to question #1 and discuss. Any further takeaways?

Scott Dixon