Asking For A Friend - Week 2 (2023)

Sunday, April 23, 2023

  1. Begin by sharing experiences discussing SSA with friends or family or even co-workers. Describe common points of discussion and general observations.

  2. Review Scott’s three reaffirmations from the sermon;

    1. A Perfect Designer (He knows what is best.)

    2. A Loving Savior (He wants what is best.)

    3. A Life Changing Community (We seek God’s best together.)

  3. Review Jesus’ reaffirmations (Matt. 19:3-6) of God’s original design of humans and marriage:

    1. Jesus reaffirms that God created us male and female.

    2. Marriage is defined by Jesus as heterosexual.

    3. Marriage is complimentary relationship which leads to a profound unity.

  4. How do Jesus’ words in Mark 7:20-23 address the objection that “Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality activity”? (Hint: the meaning of the Greek term, pornea)

  5. Reflect more on how the two principles of “grace” and “truth” go together when addressing SSA. What does it look like when one is sacrificed for the other?

  6. Scott referenced two waiting rooms when describing a church’s “culture” (doctor’s waiting room vs waiting room for a job interview). What’s the difference between the two? What are the strengths and potential stress points for UBC in this area? What about your growth group?

  7. Take each of Scott’s final questions to us as a church and ask what specific steps we could take to address them: (Hint: I’ve copied the questions below)

    1. We have brothers and sisters in this body who are heartbroken and weary. (Are we going to let them suffer alone?)

    2. We have kids and young adults who are struggling with identity, who are lonely and anxious. (Are we going to just let them go to the internet to find identity and community?)

    3. We have people in this church body who are struggling with sin that they don’t feel like they can share with anyone. (Are we, who are all sinners by the way, going to make them feel “less than” because of a certain kind of sin they are struggling with?)

    4. We have a community around us that is lost and headed for an eternity apart from God. (Are we going to let them wander blindly?)

  8. Remember to encourage the group to share any questions they have for the panel on 4/30 at 6:30 in main auditorium. Questions should be emailed in advance to

  9. Share any friends/family who struggle with SSA. Pray for them as a group?

Scott Dixon