MHK Refresh - Make Him Known Near

Sunday, November 6, 2022

This week’s service continued our three week “refresh” of our Make Him Known campaign. Please reference the white “MHK” booklet that has been handed out during the services.
(The new booklet is also available online. Click Here or go to

  1. Jason spent a little bit of time at beginning of his sermon reviewing the “commitment cards”. You may want to see if anyone has any questions about them.

  2. Review the key upcoming dates for UBC:

    1. Saturday, Nov 12th at 10am - prayer walk in the new building.

    2. Sunday, Nov 13th

      • Commitment Sunday to turn in cards (both recommitments and new commitments).

      • Send-off open house for Rick Utenis at 5:45pm

      • Monthly Member’s Meeting at 6:30pm where we will have an “open forum” for any questions about the new building.

    3. Sunday, Dec 4th - Make Him Known Anniversary Offering

We focused this week on “Making Him Known Near” and what it means to share Christ/The Gospel with others. Read our passage: Colossians 4:2-6.

First, Jason focused on the “inner work of sharing Christ.” (v. 2) and especially the need for prayer.

  1. List names of unsaved people you are currently praying for.

  2. Spend time praying for those people by name (maybe break up into smaller groups like trio’s or quad’s).

  3. Also spend time praying for each other as we seek to share the Gospel with family, friends, and co-workers.

Second, Jason focused on the “outer work of sharing Christ.” (vv. 5-6) including words and actions.

  1. What are “seasoned with salt” words when it comes to sharing the Gospel? Give some examples.

  2. When it comes to some of the tougher questions in today’s culture “wars”, how might we respond with seasoned words? Share examples. Also, share any resources you have found helpful.

  3. How can we see these discussions as opportunities rather than battles? What’s the difference between the two? Share examples.

Finally, Jason focused on the “divine work of sharing Christ.” (v. 3).

  1. Share a time when you saw God open a door for you to share with someone – or when someone shared the Gospel with you.

  2. Finally, review some of the ways we can use our new building and renovations to share the Gospel with those “near.” (auditorium seating 640, increased space for student ministry, improved and increased space for children’s ministry/Awana, etc…). Pray for those specific ministries.

Scott Dixon