Psalm 23

Sunday, November 20, 2022

  1. Scott began this week’s sermon describing the “Have and Have-Yacht’s” – where else in our culture do you see “anxious people” trying to satisfy their “wants” but coming up empty? (give concrete examples if possible)

  2. Share some of your own “wants” that can sometimes become all-consuming.

  3. How does St. Augustine begin to answer this dilemma with the following prayer: “You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you”?

Read our passage: Psalm 23.

Scott pointed out three reasons David gives to trust the Lord. The first: “We trust the Shepherd who cares for us intimately.

  1. Have you ever considered what it means to have the Lord’s full attention all the time?

    o How is that possible?

    o How does it make you feel?

Reflect on the “Antipsalm 23

  1. In what specific ways can we contrast living with the Lord as our Shepherd versus living with ourselves as our Shepherd?

Second reason we can trust the Lord: “The Shepherd leads us intentionally.”

  1. What did Scott mean by the quote that the Lord leads us “through both the green and the gray”? Share an example from your own life.

  2. Reflect on the Elisabeth Elliot story.

    o How does that ring true in your life?

    o When have you felt like you were drowning?

    o How can we encourage each other when they feel like life makes no sense?

Third reason we can trust the Lord: “The Shepherd pursues us with a relentless mercy.”

  1. When have you realized the Lord’s goodness and mercy were chasing you?

  2. What does Christmas have to do with our dwelling “in the house of the Lord, forever”?

  3. How do we need the Good Shepherd to carry us and lead us this week? How can we

    lean into His care this week? Let’s pray for one another.

Scott Dixon