Acts - Week 54
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Read Acts 24
Review the main application points:
Pursue godly goals, but understand that God may have you wait
As you wait, remember the judgment and keep a clean conscience
As you wait, take advantage of your gospel opportunities
Don’t wait until another time to believe the gospel. Trust Jesus today.
What are some ways you have had to exercise patience in your life and seen a good result?
Why does God allow us to remain in seasons of waiting?
Paul is in a situation that is out of his control and he is forced to wait it out trusting the Lord. On the flip side, can patience be used as an excuse for inaction in our lives? Are there ways you are tempted to not take action steps that need to be taken because they are hard or out of your comfort zone? Please explain.
Consider Galatians 6:9-10
Paul says in verse 16 that he took great pains to keep a clear conscience toward both God and man. What does that mean?
Consider 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 and Romans 14:10-12
What do you do if you feel you missed an opportunity to share the gospel with a friend, family member, or stranger?
Can you identify any Gospel opportunities in this current season of your life? What are they?
“The ends do not justify the means.” What are some ways you are tempted to take shortcuts instead of waiting on the Lord’s timing?
Why was Felix alarmed in verse 25?
Ask for prayer requests and close it out!