Father's Day

Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Please Read

  • Luke 1:11-17

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • What are some feelings you have surrounding Father’s Day? Take a moment or two to share some memories or thoughts.

  • Read Matthew 11:7-15. Who is John the Baptist and what was his purpose in the preparation for Jesus’ ministry? (Malachi 4:5-6 is the Old Testament Prophecy).

  • What does it mean for our hearts to be turned from the Lord? Can your heart be turned from the Lord if you are born again? How does sin try to gain ground in your heart? (deceive, shame, separate)

  • Please read John 3:30. What does this tell us about John the Baptist’s state of mind? How can we model this mindset?

  • [For dads] what is one way you have failed as a father? How has God met you in your failure and helped you repent and turn your heart back?

  • [For parents] have you asked your children for forgiveness and repented in front of them? What was that like? What are some ways you need to repent in your family relationships?

  • [For people with dads] what is a way your father really failed and you’ve need to seek the care of your Heavenly Father?

  • What is one family member you are praying for and why? How can we as a group support you in seeing Christ’s transformation in your home?

Pray and close it out!!