Genesis: Week 12

Sunday, June 9th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 6:1-8

Discuss the Main Idea

  • God’s purposes and His plan will continue despite the actions of mankind

Three views on the “sons of God”

  1. Angelic Beings

  2. Seth’s descendants

  3. Powerful tyrants like Lamech

What are Nephilim?

  • Offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men

  • Mighty men who were of old, men of renown

Applicational Points

  • Sin matters to God

  • God always keeps His promises

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • As we read Genesis 6, we see a greater descent into corruption as the Lord sees wickedness growing. Read 2 Timothy 4:2-5. What is our response to growing wickedness in our culture around us?

  • How have you seen God’s purposes persevere in your life despite wickedness or unexpected circumstances?

  • What does it mean when Genesis 6:6 says that God “was grieved”? What does it mean for God to be grieved over our sin? Please read Ephesians 4:30-32. Can we as believers grieve the Holy Spirit?

  • How do we minimize sin when we discuss it? How can you make war on it through the power of Christ in you? “If you are not killing sin, sin is killing you” - John Owen

  • What is a promise of God you regularly need to remind yourself of?

  • When Genesis 6:3 says “my Spirit shall not abide in man forever,” is he referring to the Holy Spirit or simply breath of life? What does the Spirit do in our life post-resurrection when we believe in Christ? Read Ephesians 1:13-14

Pray and close it out!!